Friday 23 November 2012

STASH #17: DIY Wedding Deco

Bought some craft materials and did some DIY wedding deco for my couz wedding on 10.11.12!

pom poms made from crepe paper - cheap, simple to do and most importantly, pretty! Just go youtube and search for DIY pom poms.

                      a more distinct, feathery pom pom?                            or a fuller, curvy pom pom?
unable to find 'xi zi' of the size you want? too expensive? (relatively big ones cost as much as $7!) make your own! (a) made a huge one from an A2 size paper that cost only $1.90. (b) made another one using scrapbook paper. unique and outstanding.

bought the cardboard marche 3D letterings at $1.50 each. Acrylic paint at $2.95 each colour for a darker and richer tone. Wooden base board for $3. All from ArtFriend. 'Dots' are actually the little wooden blocks I bought from Diaso if you've read my previous post.

martha stewart acrylic paint from ArtFriend.

twirl around some flowers which I bought some time ago from Diaso and tadah!

noticed the ring pillow? Bride requested and this is machine-sewn specially for her using felt cloth stuffed with glass wool inside.
another bunch of artificial flowers which I bought from a florist shop outside Clementi City Vibe at 2 bunches for $5.

branches picked up along the road to make a photo tree with little pom poms!

Simple wedding with simple deco at a cheap price all of us can do!



2 flag banner done for photoshoot. (a) drawn on drawing block, painted using acrylic paint.
(b) drawn on acid free scrapbooking paper with polka dot pattern. was hung on bride and groom's chair during lunch reception.

hope you enjoy this DIY wedding deco entry!

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