For me, I have really dry, frizzy and fine hair. It gets difficult at times because they look so untidy most of the time. After rebonding, my hair will be much neater but very flat cos of my fine hair. I tried curling too and now I have the volume but my hair gets frizzy at the top and dry at the tips. I also dyed my hair to a lighter brown to give the illusion of layers and more luscious hair, but my hair got drier and more damaged.
Let me share some of the products that I've using at the moment to tame my hair. As a super budget yet spendthrift person, the products I use are very pocket friendly! I haven't found a perfect product, but a combination of these products does work well for my hair!
Lucido-l Designing Tube Hair Cream
I started using this product not long ago and i love how it holds my unruly curls together and moisturise them at the same time. It does not feel sticky or oily and works well in Singapore's humid weather - does not make my hair limpy after one whole day at work. It smells nice too!
Lucido-l Hair Treatment Water
This is one of the first Lucido-l product I tried. It is very light weight and gets absorbed into your hair real quick. I used to spray this on my out-of-bed hair first thing in the morning because it makes my hair less tangled and easier to comb.

Lucido-l Designer Whip Hair Foam
I got this at a discounted price of $4 at Guardian early this year. So cheap must buy right? I bought the last 2 cans. This product is really interesting because it comes out as foam to be applied to your hair. As like other Lucido-l products, it gets absorbs into the hair very quickly and does not leave an oily or sticky feeling. It does hold my curls up, but end of the day my hair felt a little limpy. Frizz of my hair remains unchanged and I also find this a little drying to my hair.
Keratinology by Sunsilk
Korean Bounce Overnight Treatment
I tried the overnight treatment under the korean bounce series and I love love love it! It is really lightweight and my hair become magically softer and smoother immediately!
Keratinology by Sunsilk
Advance Reconstruction Program
After my first very good impression of the power of keratinology, I moved on to try the hair spray under another series and I love it just as much! This spray works like magic on my tangled messy hair every morning. Just a few sprays and my hair is set and ready to be styled. I will definitely want to try out the whole set!
Sunsilk Frizz and Weather Defence Leave-on Conditioner
Bought a small travel size since it only cost $2 at Watsons. Looks creamy but feels watery and leaves no residue on your hands after application. Unlike other leave-no conditioner, it does not create the "wet look" after applying. Does reduce frizz by a little but for hair with curls, you will probably need another product to set your hair in place.
L'Oreal Smooth-Intense Anto-Frizz Serum
I've been using this serum for as long as I remember. I even recommended this to my dad and bf and both of them love it too! It does reduce frizz and leaves your hair feeling smooth and shiny. This product is a little oily to the feel (otherwise how to be shiny, right?) but does not limp your hair. I love the light smell of this serum as well.
L'Oreal Elvive Extronary Oil
Honestly, I have not tried this oil yet, but saw awesome reviews on this. This also seemed like a improved version of the serum oil which I'm currently using, hence tempting me to get one soon! Besides it's only about $22, definitely worth trying!
Redken 14 Curl Bounce
Recommended by my hairstylist after doing korean perm, this is great to maintain your curls on damp hair. Blowdry your hair after that for bouncier hair. But for lazy me... i did it for about 2 weeks and gave up. haha. Cost about $50 but would be a good buy if you are hardworking to use it on your curls daily. All you need is the cream of about 2cm long for medium length hair just over your shoulders.
*i've stop blogging here, but you can find me at now!
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