Monday 14 January 2013

DIY #1: Create Your Style with Swarovski Elements - Quilting with Sarah's Loft

Hey Ho! Spent my Sunday afternoon at a Nuffnang and Swarovski event, Create Your Style with Swarovski Elements - Quilting with Sarah's Loft. The event was held at the Sculpture Square, a yellow little house along Middle Road. I thought the place was awesome for workshops, or even small parties and celebrations!

This is my first blogger event and I was excited cos firstly, I joined for fun, just trying my luck to see if I would get selected. And secondly, I was rather interested in learning how to make stuff using swarovski crystals (I love bling!).

Sat somewhere in front and I thought Sarah was one of the participant blogger as well =X (sorry Sarah!  you looked different online!) Super friendly person without any airs and I could just chat with her just like I would with anyone else.

Sarah introducing herself.
my work kit

There's a teacher to go through step by step with us on quilting... more like sewing.. the pouch. Don't say already, I'm not in love with my fabric at all... haha. 

halfway through the workshop and all of us were still sewing! pause for buffet lunch first.

Elle and I hard at work.

me, elle, sarah

and here is my pouch!

embellished with swarovski crystals! Yeah, mine's mad ugly. But how to bling when your fabric is like that?! I give up.

a picture with a new found friend, Elle!

one with celebrity blogger, Sarah!

and a last one with an old Fairsian friend, Chris! Good to see you in a place with so many unfamiliar faces!

I had a great time learning how to sew (really, we hand-stitched the whole pouch!) and how to use the iron to stick the crystals onto the fabric.

Looking forward for more DIY stuff with Swarovski crystals soon!

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