Sunday 18 August 2013

STASH #69: L'Oreal Magnique primer

Bought this jar of magic cream a while ago when there was sale in Watsons for L'Oreal products and only got down to use it recently. I personally don't have the habit of using a primer and I thought I should try since primer is suppose to be an important step to set the foundation and make-up on such that it will last the whole day.

When I opened it up, it is like a plop of baby pink marshmallow! But I had a problem - I did not know how I am going to start using it. You see, since it is in a jar, I was wondering should I just dig my finger in to get the cream out? But I thought that would be so unhygienic. Imagine if I continue digging into that jar for weeks and months. The amount of bacteria accumulated inside would kill my skin. In the end I used a spatula (the one from my laneige water bank gel!) to get the cream out. A small amount would suffice, about the size of my pinky nail, for full coverage on my face. A little goes a long way.

The texture is rather creamy and a bit of strength is required to apply it all over your face. What surprises me was after the application. My skin felt powdery smooth immediately! This definitely makes the application of the other make-up so much easier. Colours of my eyeliner and eye shadow were also more intense, making my whole look brighter.

For the price and after texture it gives to my face, I think it is a not bad product to use. However, the down sides are firstly, the inconvenience of using a spatula in a jar and secondly, the cream is a little thick and I am a bit worried about clogging of pores.

I should try it for a longer period to put it to test!

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