Wednesday 21 August 2013

STASH #70 : Leg Care Part I - Veet Hair Removal Cream

Look at the unsightly hair on my legs! So much and growing in all directions. Singapore sunny weather makes shorts a great choice to go out in. But... it is important to be able to look good in shorts and one of the way to do so is to have smooth and clean legs!

There! My secret to hairless legs. Veet hair removal cream.

First, squeeze some cream onto the pink spreader that comes together with the tube and spread it all over your hairy legs. It is important to cover all parts thickly with the cream otherwise the hairs may still remain after applying!

Wait for 5 minutes...

Take a look at the reaction of the cream on the hair! If you look closely, you should be able to spot that the hairs have become 'squiggly' looking. This is like an indication that it's time for removal as well!

Use the spreader, which now acts as a scraper, to scrap out all the cream. Look! The hairs are being scraped away too! You will be able to see black stuff scraped off, which is really your hair being disintegrated and mashed up with the cream.. like dirt. eeeks.

After scraping, remember to give your legs a good wash to remove all substances that remains!

Now I have clean, smooth and hairless legs!

I love this product for its convenience and how simple it is to use to remove all hair. However, as you apply the cream, you can actually smell a chemical like substance which I guess is required in order to be able to disintegrate your hair in as short as 5 minutes. So I try not to use it too often as well cos any chemical on your skin shouldn't be too good, right? 
Veet hair removal also contains aloe vera and vitamin E which are gentle to your skin and keeps your skin smooth, shiny and healthy as you can see from mine!

This product can be found at all major drugstores and I bought it a while back ago at about 11 bucks.
Try it too!

*I've stopped blogging here but you can find me at for more updates!

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