Saturday 29 June 2013

STASH #59: Celebrity Fitness Membership + Sportswear from Cotton On

Went for a one month's trial at Celebrity Fitness through a Groupon deal and one month later, I am now an official Celebrity Fitness member! I'm excited to embark on this journey with CF and I hope all the reasons which motivated me to sign up for a year's membership will help me to reach my goals!

1. I miss my high metabolism rate. I used to eat to my heart's content and snack all the time and never need to worry about gaining weight. Now I do. *squeeze my stubborn fats*
2. I never like running. If I can enjoy the different classes offered by CF and lose weight at the same time, why not?
3. I always wanted to learn something new (i.e. dancing, yoga, etc). This membership allows me to try all sorts with probably the same amount or an even lower price than if I join classes else where.
4. I totally dig the huge toilet and bathroom with clean towels and hugeass hairdryer.
5. It's a stone throw away from my house! With my flexible yet unpredictable working hours, it's great that I can just do whatever workouts I want whenever I have the time.

I'm quite sure the price I paid (which I already think it's quite reasonable) is not the cheapest. You know how they try to sell the package to you telling u original price is XX, promo price is XX but now it's our anniversary we give you special price XX. That special price may not be the best price. Their prices may not be fixed either. I got 2-3 different final quotes from different salesperson who called me when I was contemplating on signing the annual package. So I kinda got a bit pissed and who doesn't hate such sales talk. So I went down to understand better and I got them confused over their own price list. They had to clarify among themselves on the final price they could offer me and told me there were different promos so they were also a little confused with the list.
I was already ready to sign on but I told them that as a customer, of course I want the best price you can offer. But being inconsistent in the pricing obviously made me less willing to make payment.

One more thing. They actually got my particulars all mixed up with some random person. After signing and making payment, I realised my NIRC no. and mobile no. were both wrong. I thought that was a super careless mistake, and it was not as if I was there during peak hours.

Things to take note if you are thinking of signing up to a fitness centre:
1. Always get a few opinions from friends who are members of fitness centres, check online for reviews and bargain! It's not my forte to do so... and i believe i could push the price down further after hearing what my other friends are paying at other fitness centres.

2. If you are a student, ask for student price. hee hee.

3. Check out the fitness centre during peak hours (i.e. weekends, after office hours) or during the times which you believe you will use the centre most often. If it is too crowded, it may not be a wise choice.

4. Ask for more freebies. They will most probably give u some free add-ons. Be thick-skinned and ask for more. haha

5. Be prepared for the commitment once you decided on buying. You won't want to pay and not make use of the facilities.

So anyway, to prep myself, I had a shopping spree at Cotton On online again! 

Bought size S, which was a bit tight fit.

Size S was good for me for this. Super love the material which is suppose to keep you dry during your workouts and love the cross-backed details!

 I love love love this! Super comfy for workout classes! Size S fits perfectly for me.

Size M for this cos I don't like it too tight. Fits well too.

$2 nia. How not to buy??

Since I had to make it up to $50 for free shipping... i just had to shop more.
Got size S. Perfect fit too!

Was totally happy with all my buys this time round. Maybe the next round I should start penning down tips on shopping at Cotton On online. Haha. It comes with experience okay!

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